Friday, June 27, 2008

Save money on gas

With rising gas prices it is time you learn the facts about water powered cars. The world wide energy crisis has resulted in an increased interest in water fuel technology. Unfortunately, there is much misinformation containing less than the truth about water powered cars.
Water powered cars do not use water as the main fuel source. I suppose the term 'water powered cars' is a bit of a misleading term in itself. I like 'water fuel technology' much better. It doesn't bring thoughts of science fiction type cars to mind. What ever you call it, the knowledge to use water as a source for fuel is not new. It's been around in one form or another since the 1800's.
Today, water fuel technology uses water and electricity to form a gas called HHO. HHO, sometimes called Brown' gas, is used as an additive or catalyst to the gasoline in your car. A special system for introducing the HHO into your car's gasoline supply is required. The system, usually a do it yourself kit, can be installed within about an hour. The plans for the do it yourself kits are sold all over the internet under names like Water4Gas, Run Your Car On Water and DriveWater. There are plenty more, but those are the most well known.
The truth about water powered cars is that they do, indeed, work. The conversion kits will improve gas mileage, usually in the 30 to 60% range, they help clean up the environment by creating cleaner emissions and they help your car run smoother and quieter. Most users report more power as well.
As far as safety, run your car on water conversions are safe for all cars and trucks. Installing them will not void the warranty on your car. The IRS seems to agree that water fuel technology is a good thing. They are offering some healthy tax incentives for using this green technology.
The facts about water powered cars are important. Before you buy a run your car on water plan just be sure you understand the terminology. The systems work well but, only as a catalyst. Don't be disappointed when you find out that a fill up at the old garden hose is not yet available!
Don't let high gas prices cripple your life style. You can increase your car's MPG by 30 to 60% creating a terrific savings in your monthly fuel expense. Are you sick of high gas prices?Click Here!
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