Thursday, March 19, 2009

Effects of Global Warming on Agriculture and Food Supply - Implication For the USA By Christophe Catesson

For a long time it has been believed that the effects of global warming on agriculture and food supply is going to be a positive one. This is because the rising level of carbon-dioxide resulted for climate change will help the greeneries for photosynthesis.

Thus there will be a rise of agricultural production and food supply. The theorem received a boost after the evidence of a sharp rise of barley production as one of the effects of temperature increase in Iceland which was quite impossible even few years ago.

But more recent experiments and researches have revealed that the effects of hotter weather on agriculture and food supply are not that good after all. AN UNEP 2001 report on the subject predicted that USA is going to have more droughts, floods, landslides and storms.

Winter will gradually be shortened and sobered down, while summer will rise in expansion and severity. Along with this heavy rain, big storm, heavy snowfall, high sea level, increasing coastal erosion and other problems will occur.

Though as one of the effects of climate change, the overall food supply and production level is supposed to rise in USA, but the Great Plains will suffer with more droughts resulting for these modifications.

Even now many effects of temperature increase on agriculture and food supply have been perceived. The popular maple syrup production of North east USA has diminished by 10%, moving its production zone to farther north for shorter and warmer winter.

On the other hand as one of the effects of global warming the south west USA is suffering from a water shortage which will increase in coming days. The zone has become dry for any standard agricultural production with an apprehension of resettling Dust Bowl of 1930s' by the year 2030 for climate change.

Following a report of IPCC on the weather modification, California's snow covered Sierra Mountains can reduce in near future by up to 60-90%. This will create dire water shortage in summer, making the Central Valley area unsuitable for agricultural production. The State University of Colorado has declared that the area is going to be less productive due to effects of global warming on agriculture and food supply.

Other destructive expected effects include the food supply production in Florida which is going to suffer a lot due to frequent and large scale floods. Also one of the most profitable agricultural products of USA - corn will suffer a bad condition due to dry and hot atmosphere.

As another example of the effects of weather change on agriculture and food supply - with the rise of temperature by 3 to 11 degrees in this century, the production rate of the main crops - the rice, corn, wheat, barley, soybeans and sorghum - will be cut down by 3-5% for each point rise of temperature.

However with all these effects of heat increase on agriculture and food supply, new attempts have been made to adjust the agricultural and food production method according to the changing atmosphere. So to fight the effects of weather alteration, the researchers have established new methods of production with continuous revision of models. But still the best possible process to reduce the effects of global warming on agriculture and food supply is to be established.

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Monday, September 15, 2008

We Are All Going to Die From Global Warming and This is Our Last Chance By Lance Winslow

Do you believe in Global Warming; if not they call you stupid? But whose really mentally challenged here? You know, it's pretty amazing that you can no longer have a meaningful discussion on Climate Change, but why is this? It's because those who believe in it have adopted it as some sort of religion. A religion to heal the planet. Now mind you I do not like pollution either, and I am all for cleaning it up.

What bothers me is the thought that we would systematically destroy human civilizations and our energy infrastructure in preparation for a Global Warming Holocaust, for if it were true, that's the last thing you would wish to do.

The Global Warming alarmist scam is nothing more than a group who borrowed an old theory and are using it to wrestle control from the large oil companies and industrial base here in the US. It has been joined by other nations who find themselves far behind the United State's economic might.

Further, of course the planet goes thru cycles, ice ages, warming periods, it's been going on some 5.5 Billion years and will continue with or without humans on the surface of the planet. Science has been hijacked and it is just disgusting, it seems this doom and gloom is Y2K all over again, cold war fear or an asteroid will hit the Earth tomorrow.

Now then, with that said, yes lets reduce pollution, that's the right thing to do, but let us do it with a sound energy policy and not thru crisis when everything costs more and change moves too fast. Remember, even if Global Warming was a reality, the worst thing you could do is tear down civilization now to prepare for the inevitable later anyway.

Please read; "Blue Planet in Green Shackles" and you will begin to see how deep this problem goes.

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Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Global Warming - A Phenomenon You and I Can't Afford to Ignore By Edwin Kierulf

We've been warned; global warming is a phenomenon you and I can't afford to ignore. Now it's up to us to do something about it. Former U.S. vice president Al Gore's documentary movie " An Inconvenient Truth" gives an eloquent presentation of the causes and effects of global warming.

You might think this doesn't concern you and it's not important enough to merit your attention. You might think this is not interesting because you don't understand and you haven't got a clue whether this affects you personally or not.

Well, my friend, you got another thing coming. Here's one of the many reasons why you should be concerned. Today, the ice shelves in the Arctic and Antarctic are melting at a considerable pace as a result of global warming. Sea-based ice shelves don't pose a threat to you per se, but once they melt away, this gives way for the land-based ice shelves to slide their way into the sea.

Once they do, sea levels worldwide will rise 20 feet and you, my friend, will be grossly affected if you currently live in a coastal area. As of now, many islanders in the south pacific are forced to leave their homes and relocate to New Zealand and elsewhere because of rising sea levels.

Now you might ask, "Who's the culprit?" Actually, we are. We collectively produce 70 million tons of carbon dioxide worldwide per day and these contribute immensely to a rise in temperature globally. Some of the CO2 find their way into the world's oceans and affect sea creatures by increasing the acidity level of their habitat.

The clock is ticking...this might be the last chance for us to so something about it. So what do we do? Interestingly enough, the solutions, as presented by Mr. Gore, are doable, if only we have the will to do them. And if I may add, please plant a tree.

Edwin Kierulf

If you like this article and want to read more from me, just type " ormocanon ko bai" in your browser.

If you want to learn more about what you can do to minimize global warming, please log on to

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Edwin Kierulf - EzineArticles Expert Author

Monday, September 1, 2008

Time-Tested Solutions For Global Warming By Nathalie Fiset

Increased global temperature, a rise in the sea levels, extreme conditions of the weather. These are all attributed to a single factor - global warming. Global warming or greenhouse effect has been going on for centuries. For thousands of years, the earth's temperature continues to rise and it's not stopping. Although the catastrophic events are commonly linked with this global problem, scientists worldwide still have uncertainties as to the relation of global warming to these events AND if there's even a definite solution to global warming.

There are two possible solution to the effects of global warming as proposed by experts. It could be in the form of mitigation or through adaptation. Under the mitigation response, several actions are done to alleviate the effects of global warming, if not to totally eradicate it. The steps that could be undertaken in this response are to reduce the consumption of energy and to use appliances that are energy efficient; you could also look for other possible energy sources or alternatives that can be used to replace the present source of fuel. Possible ‘other' sources of energy are solar energy (with this, pollution is decreased, thus, global warming could be controlled), wind energy, hydropower, and geothermal power, to name a few. These energy sources are reusable and highly available, not to add that they are clean sources of fuel.

Another solution for global warming is the use of other sources of energy. Other possible sources of energy that can be used are nuclear energy and biofuels. These two can be used to replace fossil fuels that take a much longer time to develop. Nuclear energy, though, is still under much consideration because of its negative effects to people and to the environment. There is no contestation as to the power that nuclear energy would be able to produce that would give electrical power. But as to the safety of this source of power, there is still much debate. Biofuel, on the other hand, is safe, economical and it is easy to produce. Methane is the main biofuel that can be produced from plant and animal wastes, and this proves to be a lot more environment-friendly than burning fossil fuels.

Another step that ingenious minds have created is capturing carbon (in the form of carbon dioxide) and properly storing them for future use. We have a high concentration of CO2 in our atmosphere, so to help in improving the climate, it should be controlled. And when needed, CO2 can also be used together with methane to make biogas. Aside from carbon capture, people have also set up the so-called Geoengineering where the main goal of this form of science is to study the effects and solutions in atmospheric problems.

In the adaptation response, people look for ways on reducing the effects of the problem and addressing the issues on these problems one-step at a time. In mitigation, people are bent on stopping or postponing the effects of global warming. In search for a better term, adaptation is like ‘playing it cool' for now then slowly doing some actions to lessen global warming effects. So in adaptation, they have the thought that glaciers are melting anyway even if we stop our consumption of fossil fuels now so why not go on with modern progress? All they have to concentrate on is how to ‘cope' with the effects. Both mitigation and adaptation would mean people who would join hands in fighting a common enemy.

Another way to defend ourselves from the ravages of global warming is for concerned lawmakers to create legislations that would ensure the responsible use of what's left of our fossil fuel resources. With this comes the equal responsibility of not using products or taking part in activities that would further ruin our planet's balance.

And, at the end of it all, the best person that could make a difference and help in making the solution for global warming possible would be you. You could start with yourself, and within your home, all the practices that would provide solutions to the worsening condition of planet earth, which is greenhouse effect.

Global warming solutions are not yet thoroughly proven, let alone totally administered. It is an ever-present problem. No matter what we do, it is there and there is no escaping it. And although it will take years, lots of it, before global warming will even begin to become a terrifying threat, still, it wouldn't hurt if we lift a finger now.

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Global Warming Poses Serious Consequences for the Environment In The Future By Joshua Spaulding

In case you have been out of the loop, global warming is gradually becoming a serious concern to our environment and our planet as a whole. In general, global warming is caused by carbon dioxide and other air pollution that is collection in the atmosphere. As it collects and builds up, it is little by little trapping the sun’s heat and warming up the planet.

So what does this mean for the environment? It is indeed warming up, but not so much that it is considerably noticeable. However, scientists predict that at this rate the average global temperature will be 3 to 9 degrees higher by the end of the century. In result of these rising temperatures, many states in the U.S. are already showing signs of the effects with some of the worst wildfire seasons ever in 2002.

In the same year, drought caused severe dust storms in states like Montana and Colorado, and floods created millions of dollars in damage to the states of Texas, Montana and North Dakota. Because of the continuous rise in heat, many mountains have been affected by their snow totals. Since 1950, snow accumulation has declined by 60 percent in some mountains and many winter seasons have become shorter.

Outside of the U.S., global warming has caused more than 20,000 deaths in Europe just in 2003 because of extreme heat waves. What is the scariest of all facts is the decline of the Arctic’s perennial polar ice cap. At this rate, it is declining at 9 percent per decade.

Every year, scientists learn more about the direct effects of global warming on the environment and what society can do to help the cause. There is no denying the fact that global warming is a serious issue and if it continues on the path it is heading, there is much more devastation to come. Some of the consequences that are to come include melting glaciers and severe droughts causing water shortages, rising sea levels will flood the Eastern coastal seaboard and warmer sea surface levels will fuel more intense hurricanes.

Today’s unstable weather and the futures predicted weather pattern can certainly cause a major catastrophe if we as society don’t stop it today. Things as simple as using a fluorescent light bulb over an incandescent light bulb can preserve energy. By saving energy, it will eliminate a ton of carbon dioxide pollution that is released into the air.

Little by little, more information is being released to the public about global warming and people are gradually becoming more aware of the problem. There is no room to wait for tomorrow to begin saving energy because the future lies within our hands. All it takes is a little effort from everyone in the world to save the future of the planet from the horrific consequences global warming could potentially have.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Things You Must Know To Have A Healthy Pregnancy by Sunita Biddu

Many people do not understand how to check that they are pregnant. They sit around long enough until they are too into several months of pregnancy before they get to the doctor to confirm what they have been suspecting all through out. Pregnancy is supposed to be a very exiting period, full of expectations and planning. There are sure signs that should send you to the doctor for check up. By being keen enough to your body you should be able to see the signs and start taking care of yourself in time.

Signs of pregnancy

Morning sickness is a sort of fever that causes nausea mostly during the morning hours or evening. If this condition should persist for a week, then you should visit the doctor or take a pregnancy test.

You will also have mood swings and cravings, these are almost sure to prove the pregnancy to you. Thirdly, and most profoundly, you will miss your periods. During your cycle, mostly it is 28 days; you will realize that a delay of up to fourteen days, this is the fertilization period, coupled with the above signs should prove pregnancy to you.

Pregnancy is a sacred time to the woman; it is a period when there is the development of a new human being! At this period, all care should be taken to ensure that the mother to be is well dieted, and her health checked regularly to ensure a proper development of the baby.

Pregnancy symptoms vary from woman to woman and depend on the environment that they live in. Once you realize that you are pregnant, it is very important that you get three things. One is the care of a prenatal agency or doctor.

Pre Natal Care

During pregnancy, there is so much confusion in what goes on in and around the body. These strange to the body changes are bound to create anxiety and panic if there is no proper pregnancy advice, and then it is almost certain that you will get problems during this period and during child birth.

Family and friends Support

Secondly, you will need to have a support group or person. These you can get from the many friends and family you have. Mothers and older married or people with children of their own are the best in this support group as they will offer help based on experience. Pregnancy symptoms may be hard to see and know unless, you were expecting or planning a pregnancy, but there are simple pregnancy tests that can be purchased and used in the home.

Books and Journals

Thirdly, books and pregnancy journals will help a great deal, as you read of how others managed their pregnancy symptoms, went past pregnancy and managed successful child birth. Though this is just the first part of the journey!

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Myth of the Oil Crisis by Robin M. Mills

There are some things most people today know about oil.

* Global oil output is going to plummet * Prices are going to rise forever * The transition to alternative energy will be long and painful * There will be more "oil wars" and industrial civilization may collapse * Oil and gas will cause catastrophic climate change

The problem is that these ideas are wrong. Oil "ran out" first in 1885, and perhaps another five times since then. Every time, new finds, new technologies and changes in oil use confounded the pessimists.

Oil prices above $140 per barrel seem to encourage the growing belief that we are approaching "peak oil" and that supply cannot increase any more. But what has changed since 1998 when oil cost $10 a barrel? Just that a long period of under-investment in new energy supplies collided with rapid growth in Asia (and, easily forgotten, the USA). It takes years to turn the energy super-tanker around, to develop new oil fields, even though there is plenty in the ground.

There is a real debate over how much oil the world holds. But ideas of a vast conspiracy involving some mix of OPEC, the US government and "Big Oil" to exaggerate oil reserves are fantasy. Official figures are, if anything, somewhat under-stated, and, as recent massive finds in deep water offshore Brazil show, new exploration frontiers still exist. Out-dated environmental moratoria in the USA could be lifted to yield more domestic hydrocarbons. New technologies continue to wring more out of old fields. Most importantly, "unconventional" oil sources hold many times the volumes of conventional oil - from the famous Albertan "oil sands", to fuels from natural gas, coal and plants, to "cooking" oil out of shales that hold trillions of barrels in the USA alone.

So there is no need to fight "resource wars" to "secure" oil. Invading oil-rich countries is vastly expensive and makes oil supplies less, not more, secure. The Middle East is a growing part of the world economy, not a nest of terrorists, desperate to cut off oil supplies in order to bankrupt themselves and invite vengeance. Propping up dictators in return for energy "favours' is not a valid long-term strategy either. The West, China, India and the oil exporters will gain far more from co-operating on energy, than following the mirage of "energy independence".

Should "we" invest massively to move to a renewable energy system? Well, we already are -- $100 billion in 2006 alone, and not only in the West, but in China, India, Brazil and other rising powers. It's hard to grow renewable energy any faster. Renewables are clearly a key part of powering the future, and of fighting global warming, but oil (and gas, and coal) are going to be the main sources of energy for decades to come. Capturing the carbon dioxide from fossil fuels, and storing it underground, is entirely practical and should be a major part of climate change policy. Renewable energy and hydrocarbons are not enemies -- we need to use them both.

So the "end of oil" is not imminent -- neither is the collapse of industrial civilization. Even if oil supplies started declining, we could fill the gap with improved efficiency and new energy sources. It's neither necessary nor desirable for us to go back to some "Year Zero" of pre-modern society. Oil will never "run out"; it will be replaced, probably decades hence, by something better. That is the best and most positive reply to fears about the "end of oil".

©2008 Robin M. Mills

Author Bio Robin M. Mills is an oil industry professional with a background in both geology and economics. Currently, he is Senior Evaluation Manager for Dubai Energy. Previously, he worked for Shell. Mills is a member of the International Association for Energy Economics and Association of International Petroleum Negotiators. He holds a Master's Degree in Geological Sciences from Cambridge University.